




The Department of Education has created a database for students to manage their Federal education loans. 请点击 在这里 将被带到联邦学生援助(FSA)网站. 您必须使用您的FSA ID登录. Included in the database are all Federal student loans received from any post-secondary institution attended. FSA网站include any Private or Alternative loans taken to supplement the cost of education. Parent PLUS loan data is also included in the FSA database and will be found under the parent’s name using the parent’s FSA ID.

These resources are curated by the 金融援助 office to assist you in your post-education debt-management needs.



Loan exit counseling is an online tutorial created and required by the Department of Education. You must complete exit counseling when you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. The purpose of exit counseling is to ensure you understand your student loan obligations and are prepared for repayment.



通过完成退出咨询, you will learn about what your federal student loan payments will look like after school. The Department of Education also recommends a repayment strategy that best suits your future plans and goals.



斯塔福德和PLUS贷款总是支付给你 贷款服务机构 (不是你就读的大学). 要了解谁在为您的贷款服务,请点击 在这里.

The Department of Education offers several repayment plan options. For information on Federal student loan repayment options click 在这里.

Before you contact your 贷款服务机构 to discuss repayment plans, 你可以使用教育部的 贷款模拟器 to get an early look at which repayment plans you may be eligible for and see estimates for how much you would pay monthly and overall.


Private | Alternative loan payments are remitted to the lender you originated the loan with. If you have taken out loans with multiple lenders you will have to make separate payments to each (unless you consolidate them). Repayment terms are typically determined at the time the loan is originated. 另外, t在这里 is no central database that tracks all of your private loans like t在这里 is for Federal student loans.

If you are not sure what the repayment terms are for the loan(s) you have outstanding, 立即与贷款人联系. Also check your mail and email as your lender will likely be trying to make contact with you. DO NOT ignore your lender as doing so will lead to delinquency and could negatively impact your credit.



Loan consolidation is the process of combining one or more loans into a single new loan. 整合 can simplify repayment by centralizing your loans into one bill and could lower monthly payments by giving you up to 30 years to repay. Consolidating your loans does have RISKS along with BENEFITS. Before you submit your application make sure you take the time to study the pros and cons. 有关程序的详细信息和启动应用程序,请单击 在这里.


Private Student 贷款 cannot be consolidated with Federal Student 贷款 however Private Student 贷款 may be consolidated into one new Private Student Loan. As with Federal 整合, t在这里 are both risks and benefits. 取决于你的信用, 收入, outstanding debt and market rates you may be able to attain a lower interest rate than the average of your current private loans. Before you decide for sure to consolidate your private student loans, 花些必要的时间去购物, 比较了, know whether the rate is FIXED or VARIABLE and consider the risks and benefits.

银行列表: 点击这里.


了解拖欠贷款是如何造成问题的, 违约意味着什么以及违约的后果. 看看教育部怎么说 在这里.


A deferment or forbearance allows you to temporarily postpone making your student loan payments or to temporarily reduce the amount you pay.


完整信息请单击 在这里.


Deferment or Forbearance opportunities vary from lender to lender. If you are having trouble making your monthly private student loan payments, contact your lender immediately and inquire if a deferment or forbearance is an option for you. DO NOT ignore your lender if they are trying to reach you. Be upfront with them about your situation so they can best assess what options you may be eligible for that can help you.


In certain situations, you can have your federal student loans forgiven, canceled, or discharged. Learn more about the types of forgiveness and whether you qualify due to your job or other circumstances by clicking 在这里.


2022年4月6日.S. Department of Education (ED) announced an initiative—called “Fresh Start”—to help eligible borrowers in default. “新开始”是美国政府的一个一次性临时项目.S. Department of Education that offers special benefits for borrowers with defaulted federal student loans.

如果你的违约贷款符合条件, “新开始”会给你带来很多好处, including access to federal student aid and credit reporting changes. You will also get the opportunity to get out of default and keep benefits long term. However, you need to act to claim the full benefits of Fresh Start and get out of default.

“新开始”时期将于2024年9月30日结束. After that date, you will not be able to claim these benefits.

欲了解更多信息,请点击“重新开始计划” 在这里 或者去 联邦学生援助网站.

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