


Scenario: You're the 社交媒体 Manager for (fill in the blank). 更广为人知的是专家, 大师, maven, 或者其他181个中的一个,000 self-proclaimed appellations we social media people like to give ourselves. Your college or university sees you as the all-knowing social media wizard. So why do you feel so lost when given the daunting task of creating a social media strategy?


从一个社交媒体经理到另一个, here are some best practices for creating an effective social media S.T.R.A.T.E.G.这超越了“推特”的范畴,“产生结果(品牌知名度), 搜索引擎优化, 客户端支持, 领导, 等.),甚至你的老板也会欣赏的.


Rarely does success appear overnight; you have to plan for it. Your social media strategy should begin with baby steps that help build a strong foundation for future campaigns. 成功随之而来.


It takes a village to create, promote, and maintain quality social media campaigns. 认为一个人可以包揽一切,这是一个巨大的误解. Recruiting people across your institution to become community social media managers is the best way for content to be generated and shared. These individuals are responsible for finding and promoting stories from their side of the house.


Often times we are handed new projects with less than realistic goals and virtually no resources. 对此我说,用你所有的.

有很多 低成本或免费提供优质可靠的资源. It may require research and conversations with other managers but I promise they are out there. 我个人最喜欢的一个是 Hootsuite. 具有易于导航的界面, this product allows you to connect multiple social media accounts in one profile, 安排跨平台的帖子, 并提供良好的分析. (I stress decent because most platforms are prone to inaccuracy or offer minimal reporting at little to no cost.)

Another resource that is very valuable and rarely tapped into is interns. College students these days are eager to get their foot in the door at an organization or field like yours. Most universities offer units toward graduation for internships, 这意味着你不必付钱给他们——有经验就足够了. +, their enthusiasm generates creative ideas that can then be implemented - a win for both parties! (Check out this Harlem Shake Youtube video one of my students organized.)


每一个战略都应该以评估开始和结束. 诸如“谁是我们的目标受众?,“我们的受众在哪些社交媒体网站上。,以及“我们已经拥有哪些资源?," should be considered before diving in to any social media venture.

评估就像看地图; it’s hard to know where you’re going if you don't know where you are or have been. Assess where your school's social media strategy is currently and evaluate how you got there.

Was it a straight shot or a journey with Frodo through the mountains of Mordor? 下一个, look ahead and see where the strategy should be going and decide on the best route to get there. 一旦你到达目的地, assessing the way you got there is the only way to know if goals were reached effectively and efficiently.


It's a nice thought that when you have a social media team assembled you're ready to go - but unfortunately having the team is only part of the equation.

Some people may have a natural voice that communicates the brand in an appropriate way over social media platforms; others not so much. Other team members may have that tech streak and can find new or unused features in social media platforms. Nonetheless, there are two main points to remember when training:

  1. 是否有社交媒体政策作为培训的基础
  2. 培训 is never-ending - have a system in place to communicate updates, 变化或相关冠词, 用博客或视频来促进增长.


Just as you should recruit a team to help move the institution's social media efforts along, 你还应该招募一个 执行官冠军 从上面支持你的事业.

这个人可能是你的老板或者你老板的老板. No matter whom this executive is, they should understand, respect, and promote social media efforts. Having at least one person on the executive level that understands the value social media can bring to an organization equates to less intimidating and frustrating conversations needed to express why your job is essential.

目标 & 目标

Set 目标和目的 that fit your school's needs and realities. 我敢肯定这次我能承受一些压力, but I'm going to put it out there anyway: “It's okay to set a goal of having a certain number of likes on a page or retweets per month when beginning any social media campaign. “ I have read numerous blog posts and articles that demean these goals as being irrelevant and unimportant but I disagree. 在竞选或战略的早期阶段, it's acceptable to have a metric like this to look towards because, 事实是, 除非你提供参与, 真实的, 以及相关内容, 无论如何,你不会获得点赞或转发.

随着你的社交媒体策略的发展,你的 目标和目的 会随之改变吗. 其他需要考虑的目标:品牌认知度, 程序识别, 主题订婚, and even something as simple as delivering relevant and quality content. Whatever 目标和目的 are set, be sure they are monitored and measurable.


Social media platforms have commonly and inappropriately been used as bulletin boards or soap boxes. 确定, 这是一个分享你的机构故事的地方, 新闻, 和观点, 更重要的是, 这是一个倾听听众的机会.

Social media allows schools and businesses alike to host customer service centers, 运行投票, 并以很少甚至没有成本的方式促进即兴焦点小组! But, in order for it to be effective, you must listen to and validate your audience. It's easy to push an agenda onto people but it takes finesse to have your audience willingly adopt that agenda as their own.

倾听和验证 customer thoughts is the finesse that is lacking in many social media strategies. Meet your audience where they are and be willing to promote their successes, 为你的错误道歉, 有时, 让评论静下心来,走开. We all want to be heard but, if we're all talking at the same time, who is going to listen?
