


  • 许多疾病, 尤其是情感上或精神上的, do not go away when you travel but may actually become more challenging or severe during study abroad.
  • Do not assume headaches or allergies will go away when you travel.


  • Take anything used regularly, even if seasonally, with you (ibuprofen, Tylenol, antihistamines, 等.).
  • Some over-the-counter medications in the United States are prescription medications abroad and vice versa.


  • 举个例子, complete supply of all your prescription medications that will last for your entire time abroad (if allowed by your host country).
  • Some medications used in the United States are not available abroad. 与你的东道国领事馆核实.
  • Take a written copy of your prescriptions with you in your carry-on bag.
  • Consider taking a written prescription of any medication your doctor thinks you might need, 即使你现在没有服用它.
  • Make sure the prescriptions are written in generic terms, specifying all ingredients.
  • 留在原标签瓶.
  • Take a month's supply of your prescriptions in your carry-on bag and divide the remainder of your medications into separate bags.


  • The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) publishes guidelines about what can be carried on the plane or checked into luggage. 有关最新信息,请访问 准备飞行.
  • 要特别注意关于液体和凝胶的新指南. 目前,运输安全管理局对随身物品实行3-1-1规定. 每位旅客可携带3瓶液体.4 ounces (100ml) or smaller in 1 quart-sized, clear, plastic, zip-top bag. 每人只允许携带1夸脱大小的袋子.
  • There are also special considerations when flying with medications.
  • 除了审查联邦航空局的指导方针, please be sure to check with your airline for their specific regulations.


  • While abroad, continue to follow the medical treatment plan outlined by your doctor. This should include continuing to take your currently prescribed medications as well as planning for treatment to be used in case of a medical crisis. Be sure to ask your doctor about any tips (s) he would recommend another doctor to use if there is a problem.
  • 随身携带医生的电话和传真号码.
  • 告诉你的东道国项目主管你的情况.


血 & 体液注意事项

  • Some infections can be picked up by contact with body fluids such as saliva or blood or by skin-to-skin contact.
  • 有些传染病,比如肺结核,是通过空气传播的.
  • Use common sense precautions: wash your hands with soap regularly, 用袖子捂着鼻子打喷嚏和咳嗽, 等.


  • Traveler’s diarrhea is caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoans.
  • It is rarely life-threatening - keep hydrated and use electrolyte replacement if necessary.
  • 遵循适合当地的食物和水的预防措施.
  • 查阅 美国疾病控制与预防中心网站 获取有关您所在地区的信息.


  • Regardless of whether you are sexually active, it is important to be aware of infectious diseases. 艾滋病毒、疱疹和生殖器疣是无法治愈的. 乙型或丙型肝炎也可能伴随你一生. Some sexually transmitted diseases can be treated if symptoms are recognized but may cause serious problems if left untreated.
  • Always use barrier protection when engaging in sexual activity.
  • Don't assume your potential partner is educated about sexual health and safe sex.


  • 高度
  • 时差
  • Insect-transmitted疾病
  • 晒伤
  • 热暴露
  • 烟雾
  • 水上运动危险



  • WHO has prepared a Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan you may wish to review.
  • WHO does not recommend travel restrictions related to the outbreak of the influenza A (H1NI) virus.
  • Follow normal precautions for flu prevention: wash your hands frequently; cough and sneeze into your sleeve; get adequate rest; avoid touching your mouth or nose; don't share foods and beverages.
  • Each country and/or study abroad program may have individual rules or procedures.
  • If you are quarantined in a country upon arrival for exhibiting symptoms, call us at 949-838-6959.
  • 生病的人应该推迟旅行计划.



  • 食品和水安全主要是热带地区的一个问题.
  • 记住农产品规则:削皮,煮熟,或者忘掉它!
  • 问问你的工作人员你是否应该喝这些水. 如果答案是否定的,还是要小心, drink only bottled or boiled water; don't drink beverages with ice made from tap water; and avoid raw salads.
  • 避免未经高温消毒的牛奶和奶酪.
  • 趁热吃东西.
  • 不要吃冷冻、解冻、再冷冻过的食物.
  • 要小心食用街头小贩售卖的食物.


  • 酒精-related illnesses and mishaps can be a big problem when studying abroad.
  • The most commonly reported alcohol-related problems include students’ difficulty in getting home safely and students getting into arguments.
  • 做一个负责任的、聪明的饮酒者.
  • Remember that the right to drink is governed by laws and that you must obey the laws of your host country.
  • 酒精对身体的影响取决于:
    • 食物或体内的其他化学物质, 体重, 个人的饮酒史和酒精耐受性, 一个人的情绪/身体健康状态, 高度, 热, 还有其他变量.
  • 尊重他人的弃权权利.


压力 & 乏力

  • Cultural adjustment issues may cause unanticipated physical reactions such as:
    • 抑郁症
    • 睡眠不足
    • 食欲变化
    • 情绪波动
    • 迟缓
    • 压力
  • 压力 and fatigue will take a toll on your body's immune system.
  • You may need more sleep while abroad than you normally do at home.


  • 与他人(学生、住校主任等)交谈.)关于调整问题.
  • Do not overdo it - rest is essential for good health and overall well-being.


  • 时差 + Drinking + 压力 + Languages Barrier + Homesickness...

The more adjustments you are coping with, the more you need to take care of yourself.


  • Read your policy carefully and keep your insurance card with you at all times.
  • Some host countries or programs require you to purchase additional insurance.
  • 所有学生出国留学通过 康考迪亚大学的课程要求有保险. 出发前一定要查看一下保险细节.
  • Note: There are exclusions to many insurance policies; please be aware of them. In particular, many policies exclude coverage for: "Injury sustained while under the influence of...醉酒醉酒的酒或毒品的作用..." and "Injury sustained while taking part in mountaineering where ropes or guides are normally used; hang gliding, 跳伞, 蹦极, 骑马比赛, 汽车或电单车, 帆伞运动."
  • 检查您的免疫状况并根据需要进行更新.
  • Immunizations may need to be given two months or more before departure, so be aware of this timeline and schedule your shots accordingly.