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IRVINE, CA (August 3, 2020)—Concordia University Irvine has added a new School—the School of Health and Human Sciences-提供与健康相关领域的研究生和本科学位课程.

新的健康与人文科学学院提供的学术课程包括公共卫生硕士(MPH)。, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA), Master of Coaching and Athletics Administration (MCAA), 医疗保健管理学士学位(传统和在线), a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, an Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN), and a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Previously housed in other schools at the university, 官员们将相关的学术项目合并到一个学院,以共享资源, and to allow for the creation of new programs.

“将健康相关的学位课程合并到一所学校,进一步加强了康考迪亚大学欧文分校的承诺,让学生在身体和精神上为人们服务,” said CUI Provost Scott Ashmon. “By fostering cross-disciplinary learning, 我们的努力使学生成为医疗保健领导者和管理人员,为不断发展的行业的需求做好准备.”

Dr. 特里·奥尔森被任命为健康与人文科学学院院长. Olson will be responsible for curricular alignment, new program development, and relationships with the local healthcare community. Olson自2014年起担任Concordia University Irvine的艺术与科学学院院长和运动机能学教授. He earned his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction in Kinesiology, 获得新墨西哥大学教育学硕士学位. 奥尔森的教育生涯是从小学体育教师开始的.S. Navy veteran who served in the Persian Gulf.

More information about School of Health & Human Sciences programs:

Master of Public Health (MPH)
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 预计到2026年,医疗保健行业的工作岗位将增长20%, nearly double the national average. With a concentration in Community Health Education, 公共卫生硕士学位课程为学生在流行病学领域的公共卫生基础领域提供了坚实的基础, infectious disease, research, 以及非营利组织和政府机构的公共卫生教育. More information about this degree is available at

Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA)
医疗管理硕士课程强调领导能力, practical application, 和专业发展,同时装备早期的野心家与必要的知识和技能,塑造当今不断发展的医疗保健景观. 学生准备领导各种医疗机构,包括医院, corporate medical systems, clinics, private practices, and nonprofit sectors. 由医疗管理教育认证委员会(CAHME)指定为候选人, CUI的MHA计划预计将在2021年底获得CAHME认证. More information about this degree is available at

康考迪亚欧文大学的MCAA项目是美国最大的体育研究生项目. 校友网络遍布全美50个州和海外, 成千上万的MCAA毕业生从高中开始就成为体育产业各个层面的领导者, collegiate, to the major leagues. Two Master’s degree options—a Master’s of Arts, 和科学硕士学位是为在职教练和体育管理人员设计的,他们希望在自己的领域中成为变革思想领袖. 课程可以在线、面对面或混合形式进行. More information about this degree is available at

Online Bachelor of Arts in Healthcare Management
学生是否刚刚进入医疗保健领域, or looking to advance their career, 康考迪亚的医疗保健管理在线学位课程通过全面和专注的全在线课程为学生做好准备. 结合实践和理论,快速适应新兴的医疗保健趋势, the program is relevant, preparing students for their chosen field. More information about this degree is available at

Bachelor of Arts in Healthcare Management
With a focus on professional development and advocacy, 医疗保健管理学士学位为学生的职业生涯做好准备,提高社区医疗机构的效率和有效性. 由美国医疗保健主管学院(ACHE)能力指导, 学生毕业后为今天要求苛刻的医疗保健角色做好准备,如卫生和社会服务经理, clinical directors, practice administrators, medical records managers, and other careers. More information about this degree is available at

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
By studying wellness, rehabilitation, therapy, exercise, human movement and athletics, 运动机能学专业的学生为将来从事教学工作做好了准备, coaching, fitness, wellness, physical and occupational therapy, as well as allied health professions such as nursing. 运动机能学学位课程提供三个专业领域——健康和人类表现, Lifespan and Allied Health, and Fitness and Wellness. More information about this degree is available at

Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN)
对于个人谁持有学士学位,并希望过渡到护理, ABSN项目提供最快15个月就能找到新工作的快速通道. 面对面的课堂时间与临床经验相结合,为学生提供以能力和同情心服务社区的基础知识. ABSN计划获得WASC和大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)的认可。. More information about this degree is available at

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
以同情和整体的方式设计, 参加康考迪亚MSN课程的学生可以从护理领导或教育两个专业领域中选择一个,以补充核心课程. Working closely with faculty role models, 学生们学会把护理看作是一种哲学和科学的方法来照顾他人. MSN项目由WASC和大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)认证。. More information about this degree is available at

About Concordia University Irvine

Concordia University Irvine 是一所非营利性的四年制基督教文科大学,由 Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). 让学生为他们的职业做好准备——他们在生活中的召唤——康考迪亚大学通过其五个艺术学院提供研究生和本科学位课程 & Sciences, Business & Economics, Christ College, Education, Health & Human Sciences—and the Townsend Institute. Nationally, its undergraduate core curriculum program, Enduring Questions & Ideas, has earned public recognition. Concordia is a U.S. News Top Tier Regional University and has been named by The Chronicle of Higher Education 作为发展最快的私人非营利性硕士机构之一. The only NCAA DII university in Orange County, Concordia enrolls about 4,000 students annually, and is an emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI).

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