
欧文康考迪亚大学 Officially Launches New 退伍军人 Center Honoring Fallen Alumnus 上士. 马修·汤普森

欧文康考迪亚大学 Officially Launches New 退伍军人 Center Honoring Fallen Alumnus 上士. 马修·汤普森

加州欧文. (2017年11月10日)- A ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on Friday, November 10 to officially launch 康考迪亚大学欧文分校  renamed 退伍军人资源中心 (VRC), now named the U.S. 上士. 马修·汤普森 退伍军人资源中心 in honor of fallen 欧文康考迪亚大学 alumnus 上士. 马修·汤普森.

"Concordia University is proud to serve our nation's veterans by providing excellent academic programs and the individual attention many veterans need as they work to complete their degrees and enter the workforce. 我们的新资源中心, named in honor of Concordia alumnus 马修·汤普森, will provide even more helpful and convenient academic resources for our veterans and their children,” said Concordia Irvine President Kurt Krueger.

上士. 马修·V. 汤普森, 28, 8月23日去世, 2016年在赫尔曼德省, 阿富汗, of injuries caused by an improvised explosive device that detonated near his patrol while conducting dismounted operations. 汤普森 was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), 刘易斯-麦科德联合基地, 华盛顿. A 研究生 of Concordia, 汤普森 received his B.A. in Theological Studies in December 2010.

"We believe 马修·汤普森 is an American hero who gave his life in service to his country so that we may continue to enjoy the freedoms so important to us all,克鲁格校长说.

Congresswoman Mimi Walters (45th Congressional District of California) presented President Kurt Krueger with a certificate and addressed the audience of just over 100, which included 汤普森’s family, 朋友, former professors and fellow soldiers.

国会女议员沃尔特斯, 四个孩子的母亲, acknowledged that the occasion was “bitter sweet” for the family, 然后, 赞扬退伍军人中心, 继续, “I know Matthew’s memory will live on forever, and that is a wonderful thing.”

Mark 汤普森 (Matthew’s father) was on hand, along with wife Lynda (Matthew’s mother) from Milwaukee, 威斯康辛州. Mark spoke on behalf of the family, memorializing Matthew’s commitment to his faith and how he strived to live as both a good Christian and soldier. Mark remembered Matthew’s positive outlook saying, “You can always find something positive to be thankful for.”

牧师. 乔尔·拜尔, brother of Rachel 汤普森 (Matthew’s wife) read a heartfelt message from Rachel, who is also a 欧文康考迪亚大学 alumna. Rachel was unable to attend due to an out-of-state commitment.

出席会议的还有州议员, county and city officials including: Scott Carpenter (Concordia alumnus), representing Senator John Moorlach (37th district); Chris Walsh, representing Assemblyman Matt Harper (74th District); County of Orange Field Deputy Al Tello (representing Supervisor Todd Spitzer and the County Board of Supervisors); and City of Irvine Mayor Pro Tem Lynn Schott.

The forty-minute ceremony included reflections from 汤普森’s Special Forces Group, 欧文康考迪亚大学 student veteran Douglas Marquis (USMC, 基督学院), 教职员工. The event concluded with a ribbon cutting inside the door leading to the U.S. 上士. 马修·汤普森 退伍军人资源中心.

汤普森's awards and decorations include: Bronze Star Medal; Army Commendation Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Medal; Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal; 阿富汗 Campaign Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (Numeral 2); Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; Basic Parachutist Badge; and Special Forces Tab. 汤普森 was posthumously awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star Medal with V device, 和紫心勋章.

关于 欧文康考迪亚大学

欧文康考迪亚大学 is a private non-profit Lutheran Christian four-year liberal arts university that prepares students for their vocations—their calling in life. Concordia offers under研究生, 研究生, and doctoral programs in education, 护理, 神学, 业务, and coaching/athletics administration. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校 under研究生 program is distinctive because of its nationally recognized core curriculum, 持久的问题 & 的想法, and its Lutheran heritage that provides a thoughtful and caring Christian community that lives out the 神学 of "Grace Alone. 独自一人信仰.“康科迪亚是一个 U.S. 新闻 Top Tier Regional University and has been named by The Chronicle of Higher Education as one of the fastest growing private nonprofit master's institutions.  该校在校生超过4人,每年有1000名学生 and is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II.  

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